このたび明生クリニックを継承いたしました、澤田 武と申します。当クリニックは1999年に胃腸科・内科・外科・放射線科・リハビリテーション科のクリニックとして創立されました。2023年7月より、内科・消化器内科・内視鏡内科のクリニックとして新たなスタートを切りました。
澤田 武
出身:土岐市肥田町1996年 | 金沢大学医学部医学科卒業 医師免許取得 |
1996年 | 金沢大学附属病院、関連病院で初期研修を行う |
2001年 | 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科 医学博士号取得 |
2002年 | 金沢大学附属病院総合診療部 助教 |
2003年 | 米国オハイオ州立大学ヒトがん遺伝学教室 博士研究員(2年間) |
2007年 | 聖マリアンナ医科大学消化器・肝臓内科 助教 |
2010年 | 札幌医科大学分子生物学講座 訪問研究員 |
2013年 | 名古屋市立大学消化器・代謝内科学 臨床研究医、助教 |
2015年 | 金沢大学大学院先進的地域医療研究講座 特任准教授 |
2017年 | 同退職 以後、ひらい内科消化器科(福井市)、稲沢厚生病院、名古屋市立緑市民病院、大須病院などに非常勤医師として勤務 |
2023年 | 明生クリニック継承 |
- 医学博士
- 日本内科学会 総合内科専門医、内科認定医
- 日本消化器病学会 消化器病専門医
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会 消化器内視鏡専門医、指導医、学術評議員
- 日本肝臓学会 肝臓専門医
- 日本医師会認定産業医
- Ota R, Sawada T, Tsuyama S, Sasaki Y, Suzuki H, Kaizaki Y, Hasatani K, Yamamoto E, Nakanishi H, Inagaki S, Tsuji S, Yoshida N, Doyama H, Minato H, Nakamura K, Kasashima S, Kubota E, Kataoka H, Tokino T, Yao T, Minamoto T. Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis of cancer-related genes in non-ampullary duodenal adenomas and intramucosal adenocarcinomas. J Pathol 252: 330-42, 2020
- Nakanishi H, Sawada T, Kaizaki Y, Ota R, Suzuki H, Yamamoto E, Aoki H, Eizuka M, Hasatani K, Takahashi N, Inagaki S, Ebi M, Kato H, Kubota E, Kataoka H, Takahashi S, Tokino T, Minamoto T, Sugai T, Sasaki Y. Significance of gene mutations in the Wnt signaling pathway in traditional serrated adenomas of the colon and rectum. PLoS ONE 15: e0229262, 2020
- Hasatani K, Tamamura H, Yamamoto K, Aoyagi H, Miyanaga T, Kaizaki Y, Sawada T. Efficacy of endoscopic evaluation of acute radiation esophagitis during chemoradiotherapy with proton beam therapy boost for esophageal cancer. Digestion 101:366-374, 2020
- Sawada T, Yamamoto E, Yamano HO, Nojima M, Harada T, Maruyama R, Ashida M, Aoki H, Matsushita HO, Yoshikawa K, Harada E, Tanaka Y, Wakita S, Niinuma T, Kai M, Eizuka M, Sugai T, Suzuki H. Assessment of epigenetic alterations in early colorectal lesions containing BRAF mutations. Oncotarget 7:47242-51, 2016
- Yoshimitsu M, Sawada T, Kobayashi T, Yamagishi M. Dabigatran-induced exfoliative esophagitis. Intern Med 55: 1815, 2016
- Sawada T, Maeno K, Joh T. Esophageal ulcer in lung cancer patient. Gastroenterology 149: e6-7, 2015
- Sawada T, Yoshida M, Adachi Y, Endo T. Small intestinal lipoma causing obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Intern Med 52: 633-4, 2013
- Sawada T, Adachi Y, Noda M, Akino K, Kikuchi T, Mita H, Ishii Y, Endo T. Hepatic portal venous gas in a patient with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma with pancreatic solitary metastasis. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int, 12: 103-5, 2013
- Sawada T, Yamamoto E, Suzuki H, Nojima M, Maruyama R, Shioi Y, Akasaka R, Kamimae S, Harada T, Ashida M, Kai M, Adachi Y, Yamamoto H, Imai K, Toyota M, Itoh F, Sugai T. Association between genomic alterations and metastatic behavior of colorectal cancer identified by array-based comparative genomic hybridization. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 52: 140-9, 2013
- Yamamoto E, Suzuki H, Yamano HO, Maruyama R, Nojima M, Kamimae S, Sawada T, Ashida M, Yoshikawa K, Kimura T, Takagi R, Harada T, Suzuki R, Sato A, Kai M, Sasaki Y, Tokino T, Sugai T, Imai K, Shinomura Y, Toyota M. Molecular dissection of premalignant colorectal lesions reveals early onset of the CpG island methylator phenotype. Am J Pathol 181: 1847-61, 2012
- Kimura T, Yamamoto E, Yamano HO, Suzuki H, Kamimae S, Nojima M, Sawada T, Ashida M, Yoshikawa K, Takagi R, Kato R, Harada T, Suzuki R, Maruyama R, Kai M, Imai K, Shinomura Y, Sugai T, Toyota M. A novel pit pattern identifies the precursor of colorectal cancer derived from sessile serrated adenoma. Am J Gastroenterol 107: 460-9, 2012
- Izawa N, Sawada T, Abiko R, Kumon D, Hirakawa M, Kobayashi M, Obinata N, Nomoto M, Maehata T, Yamauchi S, Kouro T, Tsuda T, Kitajima S, Yasuda H, Tanaka K, Tanaka I, Hoshikawa M, Takagi M, Itoh F. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor presenting with prominent calcification. World J Gastroenterol 18: 5645-8, 2012
- Sawada T, Adachi Y, Akino K, Arimura Y, Ishida T, Endo T. Endoscopic features of primary amyloidosis of the stomach. Endoscopy 44: E275-6, 2012
- Sawada T, Adachi Y, Ishii Y, Yasui H, Arimura Y, Endo T. Esophageal lesions in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Endoscopy 44: E173-4, 2012
- Izawa N, Sawada T, Itoh F. Electronic Clinical Challenges and Images in GI: Cause of lower limb edema and hypoproteinemia diagnosed by double-balloon endoscopy. Gastroenterology 137: e1-2, 2009
- Sawada T, Takahashi H, Hasatani K, Yoshida I, Oyama O, Inoue R, Miwa K, Kyoi M, Miyamoto S. Tumor-to-tumor metastasis: report of an autopsy case of lung adenocarcinoma metastasizing to renal cell carcinoma. Intern Med 48: 1525-9, 2009
- Izawa N, Kouro T, Sawada T, Kinoshita YI, Hatsugai M, Negishi R, Nomoto M, Obinata N, Itoh F. Pneumobilia: a rare complication or a common phenomenon of double-balloon enteroscopy? Am J Gastroenterol 104: 2122-3, 2009
- Mori N, Sawada T, Satoh H, Kawaguchi M, Hara H, Matsushita K. A resected case of solitary pancreatic metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the lung. JOP 9:698-703, 2008
- Sweet K, Willis J, Zhou XP, Gallione C, Sawada T, Alhopuro P, Khoo SK, Patocs A, Martin C, Bridgeman S, Heinz J, Pilarski R, Lehtonen R, Prior TW, Frebourg T, Teh BT, Marchuk DA, Aaltonen LA, Eng C. Molecular classification of patients with unexplained hamartomatous and hyperplastic polyposis. JAMA 294: 2465-73, 2005
- Weber F, Fukino K, Sawada T, Williams N, Sweet K, Brena RM, Plass C, Caldes T, Mutter GL, Villalona-Calero MA, Eng C. Variability in organ-specific EGFR mutational spectra in tumour epithelium and stroma may be the biological basis for differential responses to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Br J Cancer 92: 1922-6, 2005
- Sawada T, Okada T, Miwa K, Satoh H, Asano A, Mabuchi H. Two novel mutations of PTEN gene in Japanese patients with Cowden syndrome. Am J Med Genet 128A: 12-4, 2004
- Sawada T, Kawamura O, Kodama T, Sanada H, Shimazaki S, Kuboi H, Ohara H, Matsushita K. Pedunculated angiodysplasia of the colon successfully treated with endoscopy: a new type of angiodysplasia. Gastrointest Endosc 57: 602-5, 2003
- Sawada T, Hamano N, Satoh H, Okada T, Takeda Y, Mabuchi H. Mutation analysis of the PTEN/MMAC1 gene in Japanese patients with Cowden disease. Cancer Sci 91: 700-5, 2000